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Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Harjinder Singh

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Harjinder Singh, Nickname (Honey Singh)
Harjinder Singh, Nickname (Honey Singh)

Harjinder Singh – I am 24 years old and I have done ITI from Rohtak, Haryana and I have done my graduation also beside my ITI and I completed my graduation from the most renowned university and that it University of Delhi. To be more specific I have done and if you look from the other way round I have one degree and one Diploma added to my qualification. I am currently pursuing my M.Com from IGNOU. I do blogging and I am also a qualified SEO (search engine optimization). I have passion for my work and most importantly I don’t take my work as work, I mean I like doing my work so work becomes fun. I am a youtuber also. And what I feel that it’s about degrees but what give me an extra edge factor is my experience. As I have worked in various companies at different posts before also. I have worked out of Delhi also and my work experience makes me more reliable. Moreover I am very hardworking and I believe in punctuality and I believe that my work is my first priority and I take my work very seriously. And I feel that this is the reason for my success. What I believe is that discipline is the most important thing and I believe that without we cannot attain anything and if we combine discipline with will power than I believe that it will be icing on the cake and as the quote goes – “impossible is nothing” and it is true. In my dictionary nothing is impossible and i give priority to my work all other things come second. As they say- “work is worship” and it is very true also. I believe that if you do your work with full commitment than I am sure that you will get want you want to achieve. We should understand that if we wait for perfect conditions we won’t get anything done. So we should learn that the circumstances will be against us as they say when odds are against us, we should rise and shine with more strength and more dedication.

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